George Michael canta pentru mine
GM a lansat astazi Symphonica. Un album unde isi canta piesele in varianta simfonica asa cum le-a cantat in concertele din 2011. Suna superb!
Am ales piesa mea preferata de la GM - different corner. Cred ca este o piesa pe care, atunci cand o ascult, parca e scrisa pentru mine.. o simt in fiecare por. E simpla, are 2 acorduri si totusi e.. acolo.. versurile sunt oau... repet, parca e o piesa compusa pentru mine. Mereu ma intorc la ea si ma regasesc. Vorba sora'mi: "ma parca tie iti si place.." Nu cred ca-mi place dar pur si simplu ma regasesc in piesa, in melodie, in versuri, in melodicitate in interpretare, videoclip, totul!... Este piesa mea.
Aveti aici varianta originala si clip
si aici varianta symphonica live on BBC2
eu am downloadat de pe torrente albumul si vreau sa mi-l comand in varianta de sunet Blueray de pe amazon! Regret ca nu e si varianta vinil!
si versurile piesei Different Corner:
I'd say love was a magical thing
I'd say love would keep us from pain
Had I been there, had I been there
I would promise you all of my life
But to lose you would cut like a knife
So I don't dare, no I don't dare
'Cause I've never come close in all of these years
You are the only one to stop my tears
And I'm so scared, I'm so scared
Take me back in time maybe I can forget
Turn a different corner and we never would have met
Would you care
I don't understand it, for you it's a breeze
Little by little you've brought me to my knees
Don't you care
No I've never come close in all of these years
You are the only one to stop my tears
I'm so scared of this love
And if all that there is is this fear of being used
I should go back to being lonely and confused
If I could, I would, I swear
Am ales piesa mea preferata de la GM - different corner. Cred ca este o piesa pe care, atunci cand o ascult, parca e scrisa pentru mine.. o simt in fiecare por. E simpla, are 2 acorduri si totusi e.. acolo.. versurile sunt oau... repet, parca e o piesa compusa pentru mine. Mereu ma intorc la ea si ma regasesc. Vorba sora'mi: "ma parca tie iti si place
Aveti aici varianta originala si clip
si aici varianta symphonica live on BBC2
eu am downloadat de pe torrente albumul si vreau sa mi-l comand in varianta de sunet Blueray de pe amazon! Regret ca nu e si varianta vinil!
si versurile piesei Different Corner:
I'd say love was a magical thing
I'd say love would keep us from pain
Had I been there, had I been there
I would promise you all of my life
But to lose you would cut like a knife
So I don't dare, no I don't dare
'Cause I've never come close in all of these years
You are the only one to stop my tears
And I'm so scared, I'm so scared
Take me back in time maybe I can forget
Turn a different corner and we never would have met
Would you care
I don't understand it, for you it's a breeze
Little by little you've brought me to my knees
Don't you care
No I've never come close in all of these years
You are the only one to stop my tears
I'm so scared of this love
And if all that there is is this fear of being used
I should go back to being lonely and confused
If I could, I would, I swear